Sunday, December 23, 2012

the script - before the worst

It's been a while since the two of us talked
About a week since the day that you walked
Knowing things would never be the same
With your empty heart and mine full of pain
So explain to me, how it came to this
Take it back to the night we kissed
It was Dublin City on a Friday night
You were vodkas and coke, I was Guinness all night

We were sitting with our backs against the world
Saying things that we thought would never hurt.
Who would have thought it would end up like this?
Where everything we talked about is gone
And the only chance we have of moving on

Is trying to take it back
Before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decided
It was time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

There was a time that we'd stay up all night
Best friends talking till the daylight
Took the joys alongside the pain
With not much to loose, but so much to gain
Are you hearing me? Cause I don't wanna miss,
Set you a drift on memory bliss
It was Grafton Street on a rainy night
I was down on one knee and you were mine for life

We we're thinking we would never be apart  
With your name tattooed across my heart
Who would have thought it would end up like this?
Where everything we talked about is gone
And the only chance we have of moving on

Is trying to take it back
Before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decided
It was time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

If the clouds don't clear
Then we'll rise above it, we'll rise above it
Heavens gate is so near
Come walk with me through 

Just like we used to, just like we used to
Let's take it back
Before it all went wrong

Before the worst, before we met
Before our hearts decided
It was time to love again
Before too late, before too long
Let's try to take it back
Before it all went wrong

the script - six degrees of separation

You've read the books,
You've watched the shows,
What's the best way no one knows, yeah,
Meditate, get hypnotized.
Anything to take from your mind.
But it won't go

You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're going through six degrees of separation.

You hit the drink, you take a toke.
Watch the past go up in smoke.
Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that,
I'm better now than ever, and your life's okay
Well it's not. No
You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're going through six degrees of separation.

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

(No, no, there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)

You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too,
Anyone'll throw an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards,
Gems and stones,
Believing all that shit is gonna heal your soul.
We'll it's not, no

You're only doing things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're goin' through six degrees of separation.

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure,
You'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure,
You'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth Degree of separation

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


pas duluuu denger kata bajak, yang ada dipikiran pertama kali adalah bajak laut. Bajak laut berarti pencuri yang berkeliaran dilaut. Atau pencuri laut. Atau mungkin pencuri yang kehidupannya dilaut. Iyagaksi?-_-

Gatau apa arti sesungguhnya bajak, tapi klo kata anak-anak sering bilang “twitterku dibajak” berarti kesimpulannya bajak adalah sesuatu milik orang yang digunakan oleh orang lain(?) whtvr, btw kalian udah pernah ngerasain dibajak? Maksudnya akun kalian.. kalo tak pikir-pikir hampir  99% pemilik akun pernah dibajak. Aku juga pernah, sering malah:’)
Akun yang sering dibajak. Biasanya..twitter kl nggak bbm. fb? Hmm, jarang mungkin ya. Sebetulnya masih kurang paham niat para pembajak-pebajak akun. Tapi pada umumnya pembajak-pembajak akun hanya sekedar bercanda. Tapi..gasemua bercanda itu hanya bercanda. Biasanya, dibalik candaan ada maksud membeberkan aib secara tersembunyi..iyogak?:)))
Contoh bajakan yang membeberkan aib secara ringan..

“aku belum bisa move on:("

“aku masih inget mantan”

Saking bingung mau nulis apa, si pembajak pun sedikit membeberkan aib korbannya dg maksud bercanda. Hwehehe pinterr. Masih ada yang sedikit lebih ngenes lagi...

“utangku segudang pek:(

“hobiku ngupil dikelas loh kawan-kawan:)

Errr=)))) gimana ya, mungkin si pembajak tau aib itu diam-diam lalu memaparkannya dgn maksud (lagi-lagi) bercanda! Dan ada yang lebih lebih ngenes lagi…

“ketekku bauk:s”

“aku mandi satu minggu sekali loh:$”

“aku habis mokel dikamar mandi^^”

Asem pol ya yang mbajak=))) respon si korban setelah tau akunnya dibajak itu kadang !!@!$#%^#%^. Apalagi pas habis baca tulisan-tulisan hasil karya si pembajak. Mungkin ada yang ngakaak, marah, senyum-senyum sendiri bahkan kalo korban merasa bajakan tadi dia banget mungkin awkward pol:$$$$

Tapi..gasemua  bajakan itu nguenesisasi loh. Ada macam-macam bajakan yang malah positive. Misal tuh..

“aku anak rajin yang suka belajar”

“aku selalu ngerjain pr setiap hariii:3”

Apik kan?:) tapi biasanya dibalik si pembajak nulis kaya gitu adalah nguenyek ngenyek si korban. Itu pasti. Jaman sekarang loh, mana ada sih orang muji temennya sendiri?wkwk

Biasanya mbajak itu dg cara ngetwit aneh-aneh, ngganti dn, dp, status konyol di bbm. Tapi tak beritau ya. aku punya temen, dia kalo mbajak twitterku asli beda dari yang lain. "Nge favorite-in tweet se TL!!!" Mampus kan? Iya klo isi tl gitu-gitu doang. La klo misalnya ada gebetan kamu atau mantan atau sapa lah, lalu dia nge favorite-in tweet mereka? Ya biasa sih, klo emang tweet mereka lagi biasa tapi  kalo tweet mereka lagi pas kaya “misalnya”…

Gebetanmu nge tweet soal orang yg disukainya, mantan ngetweet gombal ke pacarnya , atau ada orang  pacaran di tl. lalu di favorite.

…………ekstream jendraaal!-_- dan lebih ekstream nya lagi aku harus nge un favorite-in satusatu-_- great kan:)

Emang ya, jadi korban pembajakn itu gauenaaaak. Tapi klo jadi pembajaknya?huahahahahahaha.

w lot of love,
korban sekaligus tersangka pembajakan:)


pengen bener-bener mbahas sesuatu yang pas kalian baca itu mesti harus bilang wow. gatau, cuma ini yang terlintas..

Sepak bola. Memang sudah kodratnya bagi para kaum lelaki. Tapi..kalo laki gasuka bola itu kan mengundang diri untuk mengintai seh. Nah, kira-kira apa aja sih penyebab sebagian lelaki gasuka sepak bola?:| padahal cowok gasuka bola itu kesannya ‘rada’ bencis. Dengan suka sama bola laki lebih keliatan seperti hal nya laki-laki biasa. Karena sudah memang banyaknya laki yang suka bola. Menurut pemikiranku, laki gasuka bola itu karena..

Pertama, emang dia dasarnya gak tertarik sama yang namanya bola. Mungkin, sebagian laki-laki menganggap mengurusi sepak bola itu ‘ruwet’. Ada yang karena mereka gak tau dari mana asalnya sehingga membentuk yang seperti sekarang..atau bahkan mereka gatau memang gak ngerti sama jalan ceritanya pertandingan.

Kedua, mungkin mereka merasa dengan terlalu banyak fokus ke sepak bola buat jadwal-jadwal lain mereka berantakan. Dan dgn otomatis mereka memutuskan gak mau ngurusin sepak-sepakan lagi:| sdkt gak masuk akal sih tapi.

Ketiga, apa mungkin mereka itu anaknya girlish…sampe-sampe mereka kurang bahkan gak tertarik sama sekali sama yang namanya sepak bola. Dan bahkan mungkin mereka lebih tertarik sama semacam…hmm, boneka misalnya. Wow.

Keempat, atau mungkin mereka punya hobi dalam bidang olahraga lain..misalnya tenis, badminton, basket atau sepeda mungkin. Sehingga mereka lebih tertarik menekuni dan sampe sampe mendalami olahraga lain yang mereka hobikan.hmm

Kemungkinan-kemungkinan diatas memang hanya sebatas mungkin, tapi bisa aja kan? Gatau aku dapet informasi darimana, tapi itu lah yang aku rasain ketika aku pertama kali nonaton bola.aku cewek. Dan respon pertama ketika nonton bola adalah..ruwet, gak tertarik, gak pengen fokus terhadap begituan karena dulu aku pikir itu alay bgt. Berarti aku sekarang alay???-_- dan terlebihnya aku memang gak bisa main bola.
TAPI ketika liat anak laki, gausa jauh-jauh dirumah adek sama ayah, misalnya. Kenapa bisa kaya sampe ketagihan gitu? Padahal dulu aku mikirnya gitu-gitu doang. Paling Cuma lari lari ngerebutin bola satu demi meraih sebuah tropi, sedikit konyol. Dan aku penasaran. Lalu dengan terpaksa aku nyari tau apa serunya sampe-sampe aku ikut begadang Cuma buat nonton bola. GAK SIA SIA TERNYATA. Pemainnya aduhai dan enak diliat!! Dari situ aku mesti nonton bola demi melihat pemain-pemain yang errr:3 dan gatau kenapa lama kelamaan aku mulai nyambung dengan seluk beluk sepakbola. Sampai pada akhirnya "AKU KETAGIHAN". Kemakan omongan sendiri deh(=|

Cerita sedikit ya. dulu pas baru polos-polosnya suka bola itu sering nyimpen foto-foto pemain sepbol yang ganteng-ganteng padahal gatau namanya!:))) tapi hari demi hari mboh kenapa aku tambah niat ngikutin sepakbola. Dan kebiasaan ini otomatis mengundang banyak tanya dan komentar dari belahan pihak. Antara lain..

skrg suka sepbol? Dihipnotis sapa kamu?” romi Rafael mungkin.

kamu kok sekarang suka sepbol sih? Muka-mukamu itu sejujurnya bukan muka-muka pesepak bola loh..” ini tambah bahas muka-__- lagian sapa juga yang suka ‘main bola’. 

sekarang suka sepbol? Ciyeee” tambah bilang ciye-_- emang apa hubungannya?-_-

kamu skrg suka sepbol? Pasti gebetanmu itu penggila bola berat!” muentus pol-_- udah gila, berat lagi-_-

kamu terlalu kelihatan alim untuk suka sepak bola ta..!!!!aku alim?:)) subhanallah.. tapi apa salahnya suka bola-_-

Gak cuman pemberi tanya dan komentar. Yang protes juga lumayan banyak…

setiap liat galleri foto  di hpmu isinya mesti sepakbola kabeeh. Mangkel aku” lek gakseneng gausa mbuka galeri! Ngono ae repot

TL mu muesti isinya berita bola-_-daripada isinya galauan tok?

kamu ini klo ada bola mesti rela bangun pagi. Tapi kalo disuruh sholat subuh gamau bangun!” asli paraaah:)) jujur itu quote setelah bangun tidur...

Ser-ba-sa-lah btw:’) tapi enaknya suka sepbol ngomong sama anak laki itu lancar jaya. Apalagi sama pacar *batuk sementara* biasanya sms/chat sama pacar isinya Cuma gombal-gombal tok.iya gaksi... Kalo nggak “kamu sudah makan?” “kamu gak tidur?” “kamu gak…..” dan blab la bla sebagainya. Nah, kalo pada-pada suka bola kan enak tuh, ada aja yang dibahas..yah paling enggak, gak monoton monoton amat lah wkwk.

Tapi lebih mending manasih, cowok yang suka sepakbola tapi gasuka bola. Atau cowok yang gabisa main bola tapi suka bola?hm.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


hari ini sabtu, seperti biasa les di slh satu bimbel. dan jadwalnya bnr bnr gak ngedukung. jam 2 siang rek. tadi, les udah serasa kaya les privat. tapi selang selang beberapa menit mulai berangsur angsur rame. tasya aud gamasuk itu bikin hening bgt kalian juahat rek. tapi jujur anak cowok bnr bnr moodboster skl. apalagi tadi tentornya mb ratih. tambah sip ae((:
gaada angin gaada kabel gaada apa tbtb terbentuklah sebuah percakapan yang bisa dibilang debat antara salah satu anak laki(a) sama tentornya(b).

A: "guru itu ternyata bisa bikin dokter ya"
B: "*pasang muka bingung* maksudnya?"
A: "misalnya anak biasa diajar guru kan nanti bisa jadi dokter"
B: "o, tapi dokter kan bisa nyembuhin guru"
A: "tapi kan ga bisa bikin guru"
B: "sapa bilang gabisa? ya bisa lah"
A: "sekarang lo, apa iya dokter bisa nyembuhin orang biasa, trus orang biasa tadi langsung jadi guru?"
*huening panjang...................................banget*
tbtb ada anak lain yang nyaut
C: "bisa ae yo"
A: "yaapa seh???? yaapa seh??? *dg nada kepo + gaya ngotot yg khas*
C: "ya dokter tadi bikin anak trus dijadiin guru"
*huening lebih panjang........................................*
B: "..........yang jelas kan masih besaran dokter gaji nya"
A: " tapi yaapa yaapa kan masih hebatan guru"
B: "tapi yaapa yaapa ya enakan dokter"
A: "dokter lo medeni"
B: "yang jelas kan gak kaya hantu"
A: "kayak!!!"
C: "guru yang medeni, kalo ngajar asala nunjuk murid aja buat jawab"
B: "berarti yg di depan ini medeni ya-__-"

...............................dan percakapan ini berujung dengan kata-kata yang sudah pasaran.......
A,B,C: "sudah wes sudah capek"

dari percakapan diatas gatau kenapa aku masih gak habis pikir. tapi klo dipikir pikir guru itu emang hebat ya, bisa numbuhin anak didik nya jadi dokter. tapi, dokter kan juga hebat bisa nyembuhin guru yang sakit. trus ini sekarang enaknya hebatan guru apa dokter ya? sebetulnya gak mau bahas ini, aku cuma pengen bahas kenapa mereka bisa memulai percakapan yang begitu absurd yang entah dari mana inspirasinya. entah mungkin ini efek habis upacara pake baju dokter atau guru ya...
btw skrg tanggal  10-11-12. tanggal cantik! tapi masih cantikan aku kok *eh.

oh iya, 10 november........selamat hari pahlawan! bangga pake banget bisa lahir tinggal hidup sekolah insyaallah nikah juga di kota pahlawan ini. amin.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

sooooooo proud!


WE ARE FUCKING CHAMPIONS!!  I CAN’T BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY WON THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!  Excuse my language but someone’s going to need to pinch me again.  This is just unreal.  Just like every Chelsea fan around the world, I am literally on cloud nine. Brilliant performance.
Roman Abramovich’s goal was to win the Premier League but his dream has always been the Champions League.  Last night to seem him finally realize this dream was incredible.  It’s been nine years in the making.  Nine years packed with semi-final heartache and penalty shootout misery.    And who have thought Di Matteo was going to be the man to win it, Abramovich would have never thought so in his wildest dreams.  The most experienced managers have been hired to give it a go, Scolari, Ancelotti, Mourinho, Ranieri but all it took was a returning legend to steer us to victory.  I would have never dreamt up this win after Napoli away and to win both the FA Cup and Champions League is unbelievable.  Abramovich was said to be crying after the win and after everything he has done for the club, he deserves this trophy more than anyone. 
For everyone who believed that AVB was wrongfully sacked.  I can say that without a doubt that his sacking was the best thing that could have happened.  It lifted the whole team and brought everyone together.   That unity and togetherness instilled by Di Matteo and the senior players was the reason why we won this season.  It clearly reflected on the pitch and in the dressing room.    
Drogba told the media that he would be looking to exercise some demons from Moscow.  And now, they are finally laid to rest.  This season was full of redemption; we finally got revenge for losing to Barcelona in the semis.  Iniesta’s goal in the dying minutes was corrected by one Fernando Torres.  That penalty shootout in Moscow was repeated one again.  Same scenario:  One goal to win it all.  My heart sank when I watched Terry slip years ago and when Drogba was running at the ball, I said to myself, “Never again.”  Damn right. 
Our senior players (Lampard, Terry, Drogba and Cech) have been waiting almost a decade to get their hands on the trophy.  Stemming from the Mourinho days, they have all come so close to winning the “Holy Grail” on so many occasions.  Lampard and Terry live and breathe Chelsea and to see them lifting that trophy was the best feeling ever.   Cech was immense in the match and throughout the season.  Best goalkeeper in the world on the back of that performance.  This looks like being Drogba’s swan song and if so what a way to bow out.  8 years of amazing moments and if he does leave, this is the perfect goodbye.  Chelsea managers come and go but these guys have always been the backbone and our main source of stability at Chelsea Football Club.  Absolute Legends!!



1. Didier Drogba - Olympique de Marseille to Chelsea F.C.
 Drogba, along with Terry and Lampard, is a symbol for Chelsea under the Roman Abramovich Era and will, without doubt, go down as one of the club’s legends.  Absolute Legend.

2. Petr Cech - Stade Rennais F.C. to Chelsea F.C.
£7 million on a young uknown goalkeeper back in 2004 was considered a gamble but boy did it pay off!! Not many would have predicted that he’d be first-choice goal-keeper for a couple of seasons – especially competing with Chelsea number one, Carlo Cudicini. Cech, however, did. Not only did he help Chelsea to the title, he also broke a Premier League record by not conceding for 1025 minutes.  Dubbed the best goalkeeper in the world Cech’s form did dip after a severe head injury in 2006. He came back as good as ever and has been one of Chelsea’s most consistent players. He’s been Chelsea’s number one for 8 years and is still only 29.  With the form he’s shown this campaign, expect that number to double!!!

3. Ashley Cole - Arsenal F.C. to Chelsea F.C.
Ashley Cole is an unpopular figure in England despite, probably, being England’s best left back.  Along with people who read into magazines and reports, the other main haters of Cole are the Arsenal supporters. Ashley Cole did leave his boyhood club, Arsenal, for the blues, but the accusation that this was a decision based entirely on money is false. Far more likely is the fact that Cole realized that Arsenal, who have still not won a trophy for 7 years, did not have aspirations as high as Chelsea or Ashley Cole.  He has since cemented his place as England’s best left back and one of Chelsea’s most consistent players over the last 6 years. 

4. Michael Essien - Olympique Lyonnais to Chelsea F.C.
 It was a huge step up from the French Ligue to the Premiership but Essien slipped in with  ease.  His versatility, hard-working nature and set of wonder-goals suited the Premier League.  He has been a key figure at Chelsea, playing important roles in historic matches and championship winning seasons.  Injuries have plagued him the last few years but he appears to be fully back to fitness this season and let’s hope it stays that way. 

5. Claude Makelele - Real Madrid C.F. to Chelsea F.C.
 Makelele was underappreciated at Real Madrid, undoubtedly. If he wasn’t, then they wouldn’t have let him go so easily. It took a little while for Makelele’s importance to be realized in England but London eventually became the place that Makelele made his name – and his position (“the Makelele-role”).   Makelele was a master of distributing the ball and breaking up play.  He could control the ball and spread it faster than a blink of an eye.  A true legend and a player we still have yet to truly replace.  It will be hard to ever find another Makelele - since the role is named after the man himself!!

6. Joe Cole - West Ham United F.C. to Chelsea F.C.
 Cole had a difficult start to his Chelsea career as he found it difficult to break into the first team.  It was only when the 2005/2006 season came along that he really hit full gear.  He captivated the crowd with his flawless technique and mesmerizing footwork.  He wasn’t the fastest on the ball but made up for it with great technique and skill.  He was voted Chelsea’s best player when we recorded back to back Premier League titles.  I will never forget Joe Cole that season as he was absolutely brilliant.  He was rightfully praised by Pele as having the skills of a Brazilian.  Boy was he right.  He never truly recaptured that form as several injuries played its part but Joe Cole was still a fantastic signing and servant for Chelsea.

7. Ricardo Carvalho - FC Porto to Chelsea F.C.

He mastered the art of defending.  Carvalho knew all the tricks in the book.  He came with quite a hefty price for a defender, 20 million to be exact but Carvalho was worth every penny. He was the type of defender, for Chelsea, who would do anything not to concede, no matter how underhand or scrappy. After forming, with John Terry, one of the best defensive partnerships the Premier League has ever seen Carvalho, unfortunately, became a bit injury prone in his last couple of seasons; but this did not ruin his reputation at all. Chelsea received 5 good years (hopefully his best) and nearly £7 million for the 32 year-old from Real Madrid.

8. Arjen Robben - PSV Eindhoven to Chelsea F.C.
Damien Duff - Blackburn Rovers F.C. to Chelsea F.C.
I sorted of cheated here but how can I not put these two together?  They were our flying wings.  Duff on the right and Robben on the left was used to devastating effect.  The pace, trickery and flair added a new dimension to the Chelsea Premier League Champions of 2005.  They were the focal point of many attacks.  Robben’s first two seasons (out of three) were probably his best he still remains one of the best players to play for Chelsea.  We never found a true replacement for the pair and is still something we are waiting for.

9. Michael Ballack - FC Bayern Munich to Chelsea F.C.
Michael Ballack was a world class player even before signing for the Blues. Captain for club and country, Chelsea got a bargain when they bought Ballack for free from German giants Bayern Munich. A gritty performer and a great personality on the pitch, Ballack won the heart of Chelsea fans. His experience helped Chelsea win the double in 2010 and along the way racked up over 105 appearances. A monster on the pitch, his attitude and power suited the English game. His passion was intense and he was never afraid to show it (even if it meant chasing down referees). He left Chelsea at the end of his contract and returned to Bayer Leverkusen. He leaves with a league cup, 3 FA cups, a premier league and a runners up medal in the Champions League.

10. Nicolas Anelka - Bolton Wanderers F.C. to Chelsea F.C.
10 clubs in one career.  Nicolas Anelka was a true journeyman and wherever he went, he promised goals.  A great finisher and a real poacher, Anelka was bought in January 2008 for a reported fee of 15 million pounds.  Since then he has amassed over 125 appearances for Chelsea.  He graced Stamford Bridge with great finesse and was applauded for his quick movement on and off the ball.  He deputized well for the injured Drogba and showed his versatility by playing on the wings.  He was instrumental in the 2008-2009 season by winning the golden boot with 25 goals.  He also played a key role in the historic 2009-2010 season by helping Chelsea win the double.  A gifted player who spent 4 good years at Chelsea – the most time he had spent at any club.  Now in China at the age of 32, Anelka promises that it will be his last contract, but with Nico you never know….


Blue is the Colour
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We’re all together and winning is our aim

So cheer us on through the sun and rain

Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.

Here at the Bridge, whether rain or fine

We can shine all the time

Home or away, come and see us play

You’re welcome any day

Blue is the colour, football is the game

We’re all together and winning is our aim

So cheer us on through the sun and rain

Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name

Come to the Shed and we’ll welcome you

Wear your blue and see us through

Sing loud and clear until the game is done

Sing Chelsea everyone

Blue is the colour, football is the game

We’re all together and winning is our aim

So cheer us on through the sun and rain

Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.

Blue is the colour, football is the game

We’re all together and winning is our aim

So cheer us on through the sun and rain

Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.

many more? click it ^

Friday, November 2, 2012


Welcome to Chelsea Oscar! Hm, sebenernya uda luaamaaaa  ya Oscar join di club ini. Tapi aku baru bisa nge post hari ini dan pastinya juga baru bisa ngucapin hari ini-_- oke gausa panjang lebar. Karena yang panjang dan lebar itu cukup menengangkan. Oke ini apa.
Kenapa aku cm ngucapin ke Oscar aja? Padahal kan kl diliat banyak juga pemain yang baru gabung Chelsea. Karenaaa Oscar ganteng dan lucu nya gak sante-_-v aku tau, tau banget ini gak masuk akal. Sedikit masuk seh. Tapi u knw lah aku perempuan. Tapi bisa dibilang mati satu tumbuh.. ..satu juga si. Setelah hengkangnya meireles dari Chelsea itu sungguh bikin aku sedikit..gak sedikit si buaanyaaak. Bikin aku mboh la sedih istilahnya. Krn dmn meireles main disitu ada semangat buat nntn. Dan setiap Chelsea main, gabegitu tertarik buat nonton. Kecuali ada mood.
Tapi..tapi..tapi..setelah liat-liat akun twitter nya Chelsea yang dimana tweet nya adalah………aku gatau persis tweetnya bagemana yang jelas kesimpulan rangkuman dan maksud daripada tweet tersebut adalah..ada pemain brazil yg bisa dibilang join sm Chelsea. Namanya Oscar. Oke, biasa. Karna blm tau persis bagemana wajah dari seorang Oscar tersebut. Daaaaaan se-te-lah ta-u ba-ge-ma-na o-rang-nya a-ku lang-sung…masih biasa..-_- Karena pas itu Oscar kena shoot kamera nya juauuuh. Tapi setelah zoom ke-sekian kali. Uwaw! Liat teros sampe gak kedip bro.
Dan semenjak itu lgsg semangat tros nontonnya. Dari situ juga aku jadi ruajin numblr, googling, stalking buat cari informasi dan gambar-gambar daripada Oscar tersebut.orang ini lahir pada tanggal 9-9-1991. Masih muda kawan kawan^^  penasaran daripada mukanya teman teman?

Ganteng tiada tara ya teman teman^^. Kalo aku bilang si…” face like baby, play like a boss!” and, that’s true.