Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

if you know what i mean..

did u know? well,actually I write this with the feelling like am a liverp**l's fans. why?
3 years ago, I took a white with the blue combination. I wear it to the place called s c h o o l.
"hi, I'mTata! bla bla" said me innocently.
lessons, friends, b..est/oyfriends...
until now, I still can found them around me. no,except the last word after friends.

do you ever feel like ure beaten?
today, tomorrow, the day before tomorrow and the day before the day before tomorrow.
in the morning, I saw mny btchs doing random sht. they've prepared their weapons. they fight w an instant's ways. lol? I thought for a while, but wait, I must win from the war in my beautiful ways. I try it. 4 days passed.
.....and now, i'm feelling like being undercut. actually, I do proud, but uhh! I cant speak anything.
feel not sure..yes. think positive..n..yes.
sometimes i'm afraid that  my 3 years' struggle will destroyed by 4days that such a s....hzz
but finally, I realize that God always beside me (and other's who has beautiful ways in their war)

then now,i just hope that my 4day's result can make my parents, friends and other people will proud of me!amin. bisa masuk smafav(terkhususnya sma 5!:b) amin yaRobb.

selamat hari selesainya UNAS kawan-kawan!^^
mudah-mudahan kita dapet danem yg memuaskan, masuk di smafav!